Suppliers' Day 2025

Registration & Information coming December 10!

Suppliers' Night Exhibitor Rules

If you need any extra services from Rosemont Exposition Services, you may call:

Suzi Stephens
Account Executive
Rosemont Exposition Services
9291 W. Bryn Mawr Ave.
Rosemont, IL 60018
Direct Line: 847-993-4057
Fax: 847-993-4058

Rules for Chicago Section IFT Suppliers’ Night Exhibits
  1. The Chicago Section IFT will provide a 10’x10’ pipe and drape booth area with two 4’ draped tables, two chairs, waste basket, and a standard booth sign.
  2. You must make arrangements with Rosemont Expo Services if you plan to ship your booth and materials to the exhibit hall in advance of the exhibition date. If you bring exhibit materials to the hall, you may unload your vehicle at one of the designated unloading areas. Your vehicle must be moved immediately after it is unloaded.
  3. The following are allowed at exhibits:
    1. Educational and Sales literature;
    2. Samples or other food products;
    3. Sales premiums, handouts, etc; and
    4. Instruments & equipment.
  4. The following are prohibited at exhibits:
    1. Activities or loud noises that disturb other exhibitors
    2. Solicitation, interviews, distribution of literature, etc. outside the confines of the exhibitor’s booth
    3. If you have 2 booths on an aisle, the display may not obstruct the view to the booths behind you. The maximum size of the display is 10 feet wide allowing for viewing down the aisle on either side.
  1. Exhibit booths or free-standing displays are limited to those which can be carried in, set up, torn down, and carried out by the exhibiting personnel. (No drayage or carpentry services are available.)
  2. VI. Booths must have appropriate personnel for the entire length of the exhibition hours. (12-5:30 pm)
    No booths may be torn down before 5:30 pm Exhibitors who tear down prior to 5:30 PM may lose their registration priority for the next year's show.
    Setup begins at 8:00 am.

  3. The IFT Chicago Section, its agents and employees assume no risk, and by the acceptance of this agreement, the exhibitor expressly releases them of and from any and all liability for damage, injury or loss to any person or goods, from any cause whatsoever.